Best way to use a Bubbler to Enjoy Smoke Dabs or Weed

Before we start talking about the best ways to use bubblers, let us talk about what bubblers actually are. So in simple terms, a bubbler is a handheld water bong. A bubbler consists of a mouthpiece, a bowl, stem, and a water chamber. However, the bowls are fixed in place and cannot be removed. But the portability of this device makes it worth it. You can say that a bubbler is a mix of a water bong and a spoon pipe.

How does it work?

A bubbler contains a tube that goes down towards the water reservoir, and on top, there is a bowl where you may place your cannabis. When you inhale through the mouthpiece, the smoke is carried down towards the water, where it is cooled down and filtered. A normal spoon will give you warm and harsh smoke. At the same time, a bubbler gives you smoother hits. 

How to use bubblers for best hits?

First, you need to fill your bubbler with cold water. You can also use crushed or shaved ice for this purpose. After you are done with this, you need to grind your weed properly. After your weed is grinded to perfection, you need to spread it on the bowl evenly. 

Click the Link for Online Smoke Shop for glass water pipes or silicone pipes. 

After having an even lined weed-filled in the bowl, you must use a burner lighter or torch lighter to burn the weed. Make sure that you start inhaling as soon as the fire touches the weed. This will allow an even burn, and you will not get a burned taste in your mouth afterwards.

Benefits of using bubblers:

·         Suppose you enjoy using bongs regularly than a bubbler will give you a portable alternative for on the go smoking. Furthermore, a bubbler being a combination of a bong and spoon, you get the best of both worlds.

·      For new weed smokers, a bubbler is a great way to start learning about how to smoke weed. From a bubbler, they can later find it easier to use a bong.

·         There are far more designs and types of bubblers you can use than bongs. This makes using a bubbler aesthetically pleasing.

·         You can attach a rolled joint to the bowl if you are aiming to get even smoother puffs from your cannabis. This also helps you smoke for longer durations.

How to use bubblers to smoke Dabs:

Many people prefer smoking dab. Now a dab is cannabis concentrated oil or wax, these products have a very high concentration of THC and give you a much stronger as well as longer-lasting high.

The simplest way of smoking a dab from a bubbler is to add the dab on top of some weed simply. Doing this will give you stronger hits and longer highs. Some bubblers are specially made for smoking dabs; you will need a bubbler with a quartz dab nail and a blow torch. Heat the dab until it’s close to vaporizing and use a dab tool to place it on the nail. It will instantly vaporize when you start inhaling the dab.  
